
« Le véritable voyage de découverte ne consiste pas à chercher de nouveaux paysages, mais à avoir de nouveaux yeux. » Marcel Proust

« The real journey of discovery is not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes. » Marcel Proust


Solo Exhibition


  • 1H Aller Retour, DOC, Paris

Collective exhibition


  • Dreams come true – exhibition curator : Liz Kim, K-Liz Gallery, Seoul, South Korea


  • DE VISU 7 – exhibition curator : G. Barbiaux et A. Tuccio, ESAM, Caen, France
  • BLOB, exhibition curator : Miléna Chevillard, DOC, Paris, France
  • Lichen, le vent se lève, DOC, Paris, France


  • Consumer Desired Price, 소비자희망가격, exhibition curator : Bincan, Les601, Seoul, South Korea
  • Participating at the Escaping Demarcation Relay Project organized by artist Jooman Cha for the Changwon international Sculpture Biennale, South Korea


  • Everything will be okay (les rescapé.e.s), graduates exhibition, exhibition curator : Sarina Basta, ESAM, Caen, France
  • Prints and Micro editions, exhibition curator : Atelier Bletterie, La Rochelle, France


  • OUI Artist, virtual exhibition, Hongik University, Seoul, South Korea


  • XXL : Monumental contemporary prints, Bruit de fond, curator exhibition : Caroline Joubert, Musée des Beaux-Arts of Caen, France

Art residency / Program


  • Échappées d’Art, contemporary art event organized by the city of Angers, curating by Manifesto, Angers, France
  • DE VISU, educational program organized by Normandy Academy, Normandy DRAC, Normandy Region and Le Radar, Normandy


  • Cache-cache en couleur, art residency organized by RN13bis for Suddenly next summer project, sponsored by Normandy DRAC, Cormelles-le-Royal, France
  • Hot Doc 3, drawing workshops organized by DOC, sponsored by Île-de-France DRAC, for the 2023 cultural summer program, Armée du Salut, Paris 19, France
  • Projet Justice-Culture, art residency organized by Caen’s Artothèque and Caen’s women prison, France
  • Participation at Présences 3 professional meetings, organized by RN13bis, ESAM, Caen, France
  • Au fond de la cour : une danse colorée, organized by Normandy Frac and elementary school Georges Pillu, sponsored by Normandy DRAC, Boucé, France
  • ARCA, springboard art residency at DOC, Paris, France


  • Procurement of artworks at Caen’s Artothèque by sponsoring of SHEMA Caen, France



  • DNSEP ART/Master Degree – Higher School of art and media of Caen (ESAM), France


  • International exchange at Hongik University, Seoul, South Korea